Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Match Celebrations Continue

Yesterday was a day of acclimatization for the majority of our friends.  The initial shock of Sam matching at UCI wore off yesterday morning, and we started thinking about our next 5 years in Southern California.  It was a little overwhelming to think about all the changes that will be taking place in our life over the next three months, and we are taking it slowly as we figure out how to best accommodate Sam's impending internship schedule and make it easier for me to see my trainer on occasion. 

Last night, after we had a few of the medical students over for pizza and beer, Kev and Pfleger drove down from Santa Barbara and Nate drove down from Los Angeles to surprise Sam and help him celebrate his match.  We stayed in and caught up and Sam was so excited to spend time with the boys.

This morning, after yummy scrambled eggs, the boys hit the links to get a little game of golf in.  I stayed home so that Sam can have some time alone with the guys, and I should be working on my final paper (due a week from tomorrow).  I'm looking forward to going out on the town tonight and enjoying the company of our buddies.

1 comment:

  1. We will make it through, no matter what - you focus on your life and making yourself as comfortable and happy as possible my dear!!!
