Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Already?!?

The last 8 days seem to have passed in the blink of an eye.  My cousin and my Aunt flew in from Hawaii for a volleyball tournament April 1-3.  Sam and I got to visit with them and my grandparents, which was really nice because my cousin and Sam both graduate on June 4th  (her from high school and him from medical school) so we won't be able to celebrate altogether.  Ali is headed to Georgia Tech to play volleyball, and I am pretty impressed by her.  Here's a clip from one of her games- Go Ali:

After two exciting games, Sam and I started looking for housing in Long Beach.  Let's be real, I know NOTHING about Long Beach, but the good thing is we have some friends in the area who can give us some input from before we sign a lease.  We mostly looked in Belmont Shores but also Seal Beach, and most of the vacancies were for immediate rental.  Obviously, that's not quite what we're looking for!  Emily told Sam the first thing he needs to do is figure out at what hospital he'll be spending most of his time, and then we should move accordingly- sounds smart to me!  We'll see how that goes.

In recent news, on Monday after work my Mom called from Northstar to tell me my Dad had injured himself skiing with their friends Lisa and Michael.  These are the photos I got from her today:
Turns out he did in fact break a bone... well done, Dad!  So much for softball season.  I don't have all the details yet, but I think it's pretty bad ass that he is rocking a purple cast.

Also today, Sam finally got his packet from UCI with the information for his residency program.  Please note the way in which they addressed Sam... his ego is mighty large tonight, but I can't deny that I'm pretty proud of him.  Sam did notice the date the letter was written and he hopes this isn't the cruelest April Fools Day joke of his life.  

He also got confirmation that he will in fact be getting his diploma in June- yay for graduating!  So exciting, and yet unreal at the same time.  It feels like we just finished college, and here we are getting ready for him to complete graduate school.  My God, time flies!

Speaking of big moments, stay tuned for a big announcement on Friday!  And no, it does not involve the exchange of jewelry or me saying yes. 

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