Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Friday, April 8, 2011


After 3 and a half years at Big Train, Inc. I submitted my resignation today.  If you're paying attention to this blog, you know that Sam and I have been planning our vacation to Southeast Asia, as well as a move closer to the hospitals.  Unfortunately I can't justify the expensive and time consuming commute and I'm also ready to move on to a new adventure where I have a chance to continue growing.

It was incredibly difficult breaking the news to my regional sales director who has mentored me and given me amazing opportunities to grow professionally and personally in the time we've worked together.  I sincerely hope that someday I have the chance to work directly for him, I think he brings a LOT to the table and I could learn a lot from him.

I also had a really great conversation with our VP of Sales, whom I respect greatly.  He said some really wonderful things that made me realize that I am capable of a lot more than I really give myself credit for.  It was a very empowering conversation and I think I'm ready for this new chapter, although I did tell him that I was leaving the door open and would love to work with him again in the future.  You never know where the road of life will take you...

After that, I made the point to break the news to the IT Director, Logistics Coordinator, and National Accounts Director personally because I have grown to know them personally as well as professionally over the last couple of years.  I am so thankful for the lessons I've learned and the friends I have made.  2 weeks to go until the new chapter of my begins....

Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading entries like this - so many new opportunities! Close this door and swing open a brand new -- better -- one. :)
