Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Epic Picnic Day 2011 Road Trip

Jackie, Joe, Kirellos, Sam at Sushi
Friday was awesome!  Sam, Kirellos, and I picked up Jackie and Joe from their cruise at the port in Long Beach and we set off on our Epic Picnic Day 2011 Road Trip to Davis.  We took Kirellos's Chevy Tahoe instead of Sam's Acura Integra so there was plenty of room for us to spread out and for our bags in the trunk.  I hadn't seen Jackie and Joe since Halloween, and they looked great- probably because they were tan and rested from their crusie! 

The drive up seemed a LOT shorter than it ususally does, probably because we had so many people in the car.  When we've driven up in the last 2 years we've been alone in the car, and Sam usually sleeps while I'm driving so I tend to get a little bored.  Having more company was MUCH more entertaining and it was great to not be the one driving. 

We stopped at Joe's on the way through Sacramento and picked up his car and his X box so that the boys could play Black Ops while Jackie and I hit the store.  Before we ran errands, the four of us walked over and ate sushi at Sushi Nobu.  Lindsay came and met us at the restaurant and joined us on the provision-procuring mission to Safeway.  It was so strange to be rolling through Davis again, and Picnic Day is such a special weekend in that I have always felt like a college student again.  Although, this year I felt pretty much like an adult.  :-)  When we got back from the store, Heidi and Jared arrived from Ferndale and we were ready to begin the festivities!

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