Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let the Countdown Commence

And by countdown, I mean both of them.  
  • 12 more days as a Big Train, Inc. employee.  
  • 20 days until we leave for Southeast Asia

And believe me, the next 3 weeks will be busy!  

I'm responsible for planning the portion of our trip in Bali.  I've reserved hotels, set up SCUBA diving, booked guided tours of the mountain temples, and arranged travel to and from the airport.  Sam is responsible for planning Cambodia and Thailand.  He had me email potential hotels and diving programs today.  Later on this afternoon we're hoping to go by REI and try on some hiking boots so they're broken in by the time we arrive in Southeast Asia.  Dear God, we still have a LOT to do.  

Friday Sam and I are driving up to Davis with Kirellos, Jackie, and Joe for Picnic Day.  Kirellos, a fellow UCD alum is joining us this year, and Jackie and Joe are finishing a cruise out of Long Beach on Friday so they're catching a ride up with us.  Road trip!

April 22nd is my last day of work, and also Earth Day.  I imagine it will be pretty sad to walk out those doors after 3 and a half years, but I'm so looking forward to our vacation.

April 23rd is seder dinner at Sue's cousin's house in Ventura.  Sam and I are going up to celebrate passover and spend time with Sue, Rich, and Justin.  As always, I am really excited because passover is my favorite of the Jewish holidays.  The best one so far was when Sue and Rich hosted and Justin lead dinner, but the first ones at Lisa and Scott's house will always be special to me, as will the ones in Ventura, and last year's seder at the Nageotte's house.

And then it's the home stretch and final few days until we leave the country.  We've got an A's v Angels game, some hanging out with friends, trying to figure out our housing for next year, and a LOT of packing.  Before we know it, it will be April 30, our last full day in the US!

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