Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grades are Back

I didn't realize this until college, but it turns out I enjoy school.  Sure, I stress about finals and projects, but I actually enjoy learning and taking exams and seeing how much I've learned.  I realize that school is just like sports- you practice (study/learn) and compete (take exams) to see how you fall in comparison with your peers.  Of course, with that mentality, winning is the only option since every Santi knows 2nd place is the 1st loser.*

I got my final grades back from my winter quarter classes through the UCI extensions program.  The class I took on campus with lectures came back an A, which was no surprise.  The online class, a B.  I have some serious issues with that.  First of all, my professor graded each assignment and test prior to submitting final letter grades to the registrar.  According to his initial scoring, I earned an A.  Two days after I had calculated my final grade I received an email that he had submitted a score for an assignment I had already received a grade for.  He had knocked me down 1 point extra, giving me 89% of the possible points in the class and demoting me to a B.  Seriously?  Look sir, if you want to give me a B because I didn't post discussion comments on 2 of the 10 weeks of the class and 4 of the 10 weeks I didn't comment on the posts of my peers that is fine by me.  BUT DON'T MODIFY THE SCORES YOU GAVE ME AFTER THE FACT BECAUSE YOU NEED THE MATH TO REFLECT ME GETTING A B. According to your first calculation, the gut feeling you had when you graded each component of my final score, I earned an A.  Jesus, at the very least can you keep all the grades to yourself and just tamper with it privately so that I don't know you screwed me over?!?

Needless to say, I did not love the online class. In general, I feel the program doesn't take itself very seriously, and even though we're staying in Orange County I'm not sure I'd continue the marketing program unless it would help me professionally.  It's pretty expensive, I won't be able to walk to classes after our lease in graduate housing is up, and the certificate may not even be taken very seriously by employers. 

* Yes, this is probably an unhealthy level of competitive spirit, I know that.  Deal with it.

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