Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

IT Band Issues

Lately, when I get home from the gym my right leg bothers me quite a bit.  Sam thinks it's my IT band, because I have a tenderness and soreness that starts on the lateral side of my leg just above the knee and moves up my leg toward my hip.  The pain stops before my hip, and the stretches I found online for the IT Band seem to stretch the area in question.

Sam asked me if I had taken time off since this started and I told him that it was really bothering me Saturday after I jogged for 45 minutes so I took Sunday and Monday off.  He laughed and told me that sounds like an athlete.  Looking back, it might have started after spin on the 31st, but I didn't really notice it until I had come home from running.  It's also something that tends to start bothering me after I get home from the gym rather than while I'm on the treadmill.

I'll have to email Amanda tomorrow and see what she thinks!


  1. You are literally describing a textbook IT band injury. Seriously. That's COMPLETELY what it is. I had it; it felt like this; it ruined my life; but then it went away.

    How? Physical therapy - but more specifically, a combination of taking time off running, stretching for a dedicated 10 minutes, strengthening my hips and hamstrings, and massage (YES - YOU NEED MASSAGE!!!).

    I will email you with more.

  2. No! I was kind of hoping that was NOT what you had because yours took FOREVER to resolve! I can understand your frustration, I'm really annoyed that I can't work out as hard as I want to.
