Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Last night I went to my first professional basketball game- an LA Lakers playoff game with Amy. I think basketball was the last professional sport I hadn't seen live- clearly baseball and football were big family events when I was growing up, and I went to my first hockey game a couple of years ago, so this rounded out my pro-sport fandom.  

The game was really fun- the Lakers won- and it was really fun to see the players (omg they are tall).  Hopefully we can bring Sam along if we go to another game this post-season because I think he felt a little bit left out.  :-)  He went to watch the game at a bar with Steve, Mason, and Nick- who were pretty jealous from what I hear.  Lucky me!

On another note, my last day is tomorrow- YIPPEE!  I am really looking forward to Happy Hour with my coworkers tomorrow night, but I'm a little overwhelmed at the reality that we're leaving the country in a week and I won't be back for 31 days.  A few of the people I work with have asked if I have my bags packed, the truth is I still need to buy a suitcase!  I don't have a converter, I am nervous that the next 10 days are forecasted to be lightning and thunderstorms in Bangkok, and I am paranoid I am going to forget something major behind!  And I want to look at some of the apartments we might potentially move into next week before we go so that I have an idea what is available when we get back in June.

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