Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Picnic Day Recap

Picnic Day was a smashing success!  We slept in considerably compared to last year because my water polo game was at 11:00 instead of 10:00.  Sam, Kirellos, Lindsay and I took the bus over to campus while everyone else finished getting ready at Jackie's house.  The bus was relatively empty- just us, another couple, and 2 police officers- until the last stop before campus.  

We made it to Hickey Pool in time to see the end of the alumni boys club game.  They had hired two referees and the whole course was set up with shot clocks, the scoreboard, benches, etc.  A little different from when we had the first game last year!  We had Jonny ref for us, and we put the alumni team together from all of the girls who had completed their undergraduate coursework.  It was great to play with some of the girls I haven't had the opportunity to spend that much time with.

After the water polo game our crew wandered around the quad and munched on hot dogs for lunch.  We then trekked across campus to the Animal Science area to see the Rodeo Club exhibition, the work horse exhibition, and finally, Heidi's equestrian polo match.  The alumni won, as they should, and we all got to bake in the sunshine sitting in the bleachers. I think it was the first time Sam, Kirellos, and maybe Lindsay had seen equestrian polo.

All-in-all, it was a pretty mellow Picnic Day, we came home, napped, ordered in Chinese (our annual ritual) and rather than going out downtown, we stayed in and watched Role Models all lounging on Jackie's couches. 

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