Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ode to Sam

Sam is really awesome.  I mean over the moon awesome.  Tonight, while I'm sitting here catching up on archived episodes of Parenthood online and breaking in my new hiking boots, Sam is stuck taking call at the last minute.  He carpooled with Anna, who didn't have to stay late, so I'm waiting for him to call so that I can go pick him up.  It's unreal to me how hard he works.  He's up before me (most of the time) and he gets home after me (most of the time), and sometimes he's so exhausted he doesn't even have the energy to do fun things in his free time.  I know that in the long run this will pay off for him, but in the mean time, I am so in awe of his dedication to becoming an orthopedic surgeon.  

I am so thankful that we have this time before graduation to go off on our adventure.  The partners of orthopedic surgeons (I know a few) have assured me this will be a really good break for him and an opportunity for me to be stress-free while we both prioritize having fun and living each minute to the fullest.  Until then, here's something to focus on... only 18 days until I am in Thailand!

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