Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, April 25, 2011

First Day of Unemployment

I haven't gotten the hang of sleeping in or going to bed early just yet, but I was very productive today.  I made myself a do do list and accomplished several more tasks than I had anticipated- yay!  Which is good because I feel like as soon as I cross something off I find out I have less over-all time to complete everything before we leave.  

The big ticket items were to do all the laundry (clothes, sheets, towels), and tidy the house.  I am going to leave the sweeping/moping for Saturday so that I'm sure everything is spic and span for graduation weekend after our return in June. 

I also bought a new camera for our trip- a fancy canon.  It's just nice enough that I think I'll have a lot of beautiful photos to commemorate our trip, but not so nice that I can't figure it out.

After I finished my errands and tasks for the day, Sam and I headed up to LA to have dinner with Pete & Margaux before our vacation.  They have very graciously offered to make our traveling easier by letting us keep a car in their parking garage rather than pay for parking at the airport/shuttle services, Margaux picking us up at LAX when we return, and having us stay in their guest room the night we arrive back in the US.  They are such amazing people- definitely some of my favorite relatives on either side of Sam and my families. 


  1. I am so excited for your trip!!! I can't wait to see pictures :)

  2. I can't believe we're really leaving- it seems SO surreal! I'm going to try to blog/post on facebook as we travel, and I just bought a fancy new camera yesterday so that we have some really good quality photos to share with you all. :-)

  3. ...and now you've got time to train & lunch with me!!! WOO!
