Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Finals Week"

I am exhausted.  This was the longest week I've had in a long time.

Sam used to tell me that I had to "contain the crazy" during finals week in college.  He needed to focus on his exams and whatever drama was going on had to be shelved.  For the first time (I think ever) I told Sam I was "pulling finals week" during a Tuesday phone call while I was at my wit's end.

I attended a mixer event with my boss and sales manager on Wednesday night, and was up this morning at 4:50 to get to a conference in Anaheim.  Needless to say I am totally exhausted right now.  And sitting on the floor in front of the TV watching last Sunday's Walking Dead.  (Side note: I have appreciated the less gory Walking Dead story lines lately).

Lack of sleep, the stress of all these events for work, and Hunter getting up in the middle of the night the last couple of nights has taken it's toll.  I'm not sure if I want to pop open a bottle of Chateau St Jean chardonnay or spoil myself with take-out (neither of which are Making the Cut friendly ideas).  I would normally say that sitting down and curling up with a good book sounds like a good idea but even that sounds like too much mental effort.

If it weren't Sam's stupid 2nd year schedule maybe we could have had dinner together, but he's up at the hospital on call tonight and I am not really feeling like driving all the way up to the hospital to get dinner.  The hospital doesn't exactly have lots of healthy dining options near by.

I also realized that I have a hair appointment before Jackie's wedding scheduled at the time as Sam's great Aunt's birthday party on April 27.  I had thought (for some stupid reason) the party started at 3pm so I booked the hair appointment at noon.  Unfortunately BOTH things are set for noon.  So now I need to reschedule my hair appointment or arrive late to Aunt Elsa's birthday.  I just don't have too many options for getting my hair done with all the wedding festivities in the weekends prior to the wedding.  C'est la vie.  Perhaps I'll have to skip out on the gym Saturday morning and try to have my hair done earlier.

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