Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Spray-On Suntan Lotion

This past weekend I decided I should take advantage of the amazing weather - June gloom finally ended and summer is officially here in Southern California.  The downside of this plan, was that Sam was working and I had nobody to prevent my poor pale skin from crisping.  Enter my brilliant solution: spray-on sun screen!  This invention has pretty much enabled us sun-seekers to protect our largest organ from too much exposure even when we're laying out solo.

So I stopped at CVS and purchased a bottle of CVS-brand aerosol spray suntan lotion and headed down to our pool.  On the upside, I was able to quickly and easily apply the sun screen to my body.  Major upside: I didn't have greasy hands when it came time to read The Hobbit on my nook.  Side note- yes I am still working on finishing the story... I didn't think 350 pages would take me a week, but it's been tough to find time to read during all my activities!

Anyway, things were going very smoothly the first hour and half I was baking.  I was laying on my back, propped up a bit, reading.  I had put on SPF 30 in the morning before Hunter and I met up with his trainer and her dog, Junie, so I was really re-applying to my arms and chest.  That said, I was able to easily apply and reapply suntan lotion to my legs and stomach with very little effort. 

The trouble came when it was time to lay on my back.  I had applied sun screen to my back before I laid down, but in hindsight, that probably rubbed off on my towel during the 90 minutes I was tanning my front-side.  I never reapplied the lotion to my backside when I turned over.  Oops.  Thankfully, I took a nap and decided 60 minutes was okay for my back rather than going until 90 like I did with my front side.

Boy was that a good decision!  As I was getting ready for bed I noticed that my back was feeling a little tender and looked in the mirror to check out the damage.  It's definitely not as bad as it would have been had I not applied ANYTHING to my back, but I am pretty pink between my shoulder blades and in the middle of my back.  The lower part of my back is great, and that was the place I think I got the most coverage when I was spraying so clearly I need to adjust my application techniques.  

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