Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Thanks, Mom!

I am blessed to have one of the greatest mothers I have met- and I know some pretty amazing moms.  My mom has always been a great role model for me. She taught me to be kind, patient, and understanding.  She taught me the importance of empathy and being mindful of how others feel.  I learned the real meaning of compassion as I watched her take impeccable care of her aging parents as they succumbed to cancer and dementia.  She taught me the importance of thinking before speaking, making good first impressions and standing up for my beliefs.  She instilled in me good values and morals and she taught me to cherish family and appreciate home-cooked meals.

Above all things, Mom taught me to love unconditionally.  Yes, Dad gets credit too.

My mom has done a wonderful job of letting me grow up over the years.  She has watched me make mistakes and helped me learn from them.  She has accepted my tattoos, piercings and major life decisions with unwavering support.
Meeting Dwight Clark in Feb '13

I have not always made great decisions (boy does it concern me to put that in writing!)  but my mom has always been there to help me out when the house of cards came crashing down or to congratulate me when everything worked out the way I hoped it would.

She has encouraged me to think for myself, prioritize my goals and chase my dreams.

I have a wonderful mother.

I also have a great cast of supporting mothers who have helped her out along the way- some she's know and some she hasn't.

To my Aunts (Lori, Annie & Kathy): Thank you for being part of my whacky family.  I know we're not perfect, but let's face it, we embrace our dysfunction and roll with it.  I am lucky to have you in my life and I appreciate the motherly advice you've given me when I have come to you instead of Mom.

To Denise VanKuiken: Big Props to you NeeCee!  You are one of the strongest moms I know and I am incredibly lucky to consider you my surrogate mother.  I think of you often and wish we lived closer so that I could spend more time with you.

To Sue Celniker: Thank you for Sam.  You raised a wonderful, handsome young man and I am forever grateful for all of your hard work and energy.  You have also shown me what it is to successfully juggle motherhood and an thriving career.  Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me as I have stumbled along my career path.

To Janie Rutman, Debbie Grant & Monica Nageotte: Thank you so much for making me feel as though I have a mom here in Southern California.  It has been a pleasure spending holidays and afternoons with you ladies these past several years and I appreciate being made to feel as though I'm part of your family.

To my mom-friends: Thank you for paving the way for me!  I enjoy seeing you with your little rascals and seeing your struggles.  You are showing me the real world of parenting and have helped me understand my own mother better.

Thank you all for helping me be the young woman I am today- I love you all! xo

In the SuperDome in New Orleans for our first Super Bowl (Feb '13)

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