Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, May 13, 2013

TDap & Pneumo Vaccine

Boy, this is going to be a short post because my arm is sore like a mother f*cker.

I knew something wasn't quite right after Jackie's wedding and after a few professional opinions it became pretty clear to me that I needed to invest in some Y.I. treatment.  Unfortunately, the OTC stuff didn't work all that well (brands shall remain nameless) and I was not feeling as relieved as I hoped I would.

I called my MD this morning and made a same-day appointment to come in and have her prescribe me the Diflucan Sam and Amy had recommeneded.

I really enjoy my MD.  She is a real funny gal.  She went over the plan of action for the oral medication and had a couple ideas for what might make my migraine meds more effective.  Then the nurse came back in because yours truly was due for her TDaP and Pneumo Vax.

It's ironic because this happens to me with some regularity- I go to the doctor for something and find out it's a convenient time for me to have a booster shot.  Of course I opt to get it then and there rather than going back to the office and paying another copay.  Honestly, I haven't been to the doctor since August so when I'm there it's good to get everything done!

OMG I thought I was in luck because my nurse was a badass.  She usually works in peds and she was the best stick I can remember.  Man, she poked me with the Pneumo Vax and as she was applying the pressure to it she was T-ing up the TDaP and it was all over in 10 seconds tops!  I was a good patient and diligently rubbed my arm while I waited downstairs for my prescription and on my drive home.

So much for my hard work.

As of now, my arm is sore from my elbow to the side of my chest on my torso.  It aches like I have the flu and I feel very lethargic.  Hunter and I are already laying in bed as a matter of fact- he is keeping me very good company since Sam's on call tonight.  Boy do I wish he were here to give me a good massage and some free medical advice.  Oh well.  Instead, I am going to end this post, locate some Aleve, and call it a night.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better in the morning!

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