Yesterday we had some proof of global warming: November 4th and 92 degrees at the hottest point yesterday. Good God, Sam and I were running errands and it got REALLY warm. We ran to Costco & Ralph's and when we made it back to the apartment we hunkered down to cool off for a while. Just after 3 PM we decided to take a walk with Hunter to get him (and us) some fresh air and exercise.
It was fun to walk with Sam for a change- usually it's just me and Hunter after work because Sam doesn't get home until after it's dark. That, and he is so unreliable that it's better for me to take Hunter ASAP when I get home and then it's out of the way and we have the rest of the night to hang out.
But we took advantage of having Sam home, and after the walk, which only lasted about an hour, the boys did something that Hunter and I rarely do post-walk.
They passed out on the floor.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, but boy can those guys sleep! From about 4:30-6 they were out cold. I was okay with that though, I got to do some journal writing and got Sam's laundry through the wash-dry cycle so that he just had to fold it all before dinner.

We had friends over for dinner, another couple who went to UCI for both medical school and residency. I always forget, until the 11th hour, that he keeps Kosher. Thankfully, a quick call to Sam's mom and she had some great tips- go with a vegetarian and dairy menu. Luckily we'd been to Costco and I had a bunch of carrots and asparagus which I baked with oil, salt, and pepper. Then I baked sweet potatoes and yams, and made white rice. We also had breaded chicken, which wasn't Kosher, so the fourth chicken breast got split in four and stuck into tupperwares with white rice, potatoe, and the baked veggies. Hello packed lunch! Anyway, I think maybe next time we'll make homemade veggie pizza or something, Sue said that is a great go-to for Kosher meals that she's used time and time again.
Oh, and JACKPOT, I found the Coffeemate Pumpkin Spiced Creamer at Ralph's which means that this morning, when I got up at 4:30 with Sam thanks to "Fall Back", I enjoyed a delicious Pumpkin Spiced Latte that was only 4 points and cents on the dollar which is really great when compared to the Peet's version (medium is 6 points, and it's $4). YAY!
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