Things seemed to be passing naturally until this morning when Hunter woke up at 3:30 AM and was projectile vomiting on our bedroom and bathroom floor from 4-5. I haven't seen him so uncomfortable since he was neutered! He was sitting beside me cowering, shaking, whimpering. Luckily, I was working from home today, so I was able to call our amazing veterinarian and they got him into see one of the doctors at 8am.
We have an amazing staff at our vet office and today it was Dr. W. who helped us out. She told me she wanted to keep him at the office for a set of x-rays (first set above) to determine whether he had an obstruction. If he did in fact have a blockage, we would pump his stomach with barium to flush out the obstruction. If that failed, Hunter would go in for emergency surgery.
Initially, I didn't hear back from Dr. W. and I found out later that the barium was sitting in Hunter's stomach without passing the blockage (x-rays above). She had been debating whether he would have to do surgery when, miraculously, it began trickling through his GI tract! (x-rays below)
Dr. W. called me ecstatic that Hunter would not need surgery after she saw the x-ray above. She wanted to keep him for a few more x-rays just to be sure that everything came out okay.
While I was in my meeting, Dr. W. called to say that I could come and pick Hunter up after she took the last images at 3pm... nearly 12 hours after we got up to address his upset stomach. Between the x-rays above and the one below, Hunter passed a 6-inch long thick accumulation of fabric.
Dr. W. sweetly offered to send me home with the images for Sam to check out. She also put in our insurance claim while I was at the office and she told me that if it gets denied (which is very doubtful) she will personally write a letter to justify her medical judgement. I could not ask for better care providers for Hunter! We will certainly be sending one of our holiday cards to the office this year.
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