Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hunter the Hoover

Yesterday I left Hunter at home when I went to get my hair done and then celebrate Jen's 29th birthday.  As I was sitting in the chair, I totally had a moment where I wondered if I had locked him in his crate or not.  At that point, though, I wasn't going to do anything about it.

Around 6:30 Sam and I left Jen and Ryan's house and headed home.  You can imagine our surprise when Hunter greeted us, tail wagging & yelping for joy, in the entryway.

I was terrified that I would find he'd had accidents all over the house, or that he would have chewed up our furniture & destroyed the leather couches.  Thankfully, I was wrong.  The only thing he had done was go into the hamper and steal a pair of my underwear and eat half of it.  Wonderful, Hunter. 

I would have liked to have asked Sam's opinion but he was already in bed and asleep getting ready for his Sunday on-call.  So I turned to the internet and read online that pureed pumpkin can help dogs avoid and pass bowel obstructions when they've eaten things they shouldn't have.  Therefore, last night Hunter ate pumpkin puree for dinner.  Luckily, he slept just fine and by midday he had begun passing some of the fabric. 

Hopefully this will continue and he won't have any obstructions!  I am a little anxious and nervous about missing the signs of a bowel obstruction because they are potentially fatal and I don't want anything to happen to Hunter!

Luckily tomorrow is a holiday for UCIMC so Sam should be home by noonish and he can take Hunter out and re-assess the situation before I get home from work. 

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