Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sleep When You're Dead

I swear that's become my life's motto.  Lately it feels as though there's not enough 
  1. Space on my desk
  2. Time in the day
  3. Coffee to keep my going
And keep going I must!  I have been meaning to update you all, and seeing as it's 10:07 PM as I start this post I doubt I will get to do justice to all that has been going on.

I cannot mention enough how much I love my job... that is not to say that it's easy or that I love every minute of work, but I am incredibly thankful to have landed my position.  Being a marketing manager is not quite what I had anticipated in that I have a LOT of responsibility and nobody to assist me.  Thus, I spend quite a lot of my time working on very basic things.  This is actually a blessing because it gives me the opportunity to get my hands dirty and really understand how things work at a basic level.  

My boss is so incredibly willing to make my job easier.  During my 90 day review he asked if there was anything I needed and I requested dual monitors. They are sitting on my desk, waiting to be installed when our Tech Manager has a second.  Ask and you shall receive.  

I have also been given the amazing opportunity to work with Toshiba Telecom's Social Media Strategist.  I'm driving up to Sherman Oaks (it's about a two hour commute back to Irvine thanks to rush-hour traffic) once a week and we're covering Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, how to campaign with social media, and the basics of analytics.  I am seriously in love with her, and she's my new role model!  All great things require some work, and I have a book, Twitter Power, to read before our next meeting as well as a 22 page Social Media Strategy workbook.  I am seriously working harder than I have ever worked before... and I'm loving it.  

In addition to the homework from my Social Media Boot Camp, my boss saw Tom Patty speak.  He's the guy who created the 1984 Apple commercial from the Super Bowl and he suggested I read 25 World Changers and The World is Your Network.  So I finally broke down and bought a nook so I can cut down on the books I have stockpiled in the event that TV goes the way of the dinosaurs.  Unfortunately, I hardly have any time to read anything!  And I haven't even started school back up yet!

Sam, Hunter, and I are doing great.  Sam's been on easier rotations lately so he has been able to help shoulder the responsibilities of dog ownership.  Hunter graduates from Puppy Obedience Classes tomorrow night.  Sam leaves for Cabo to spend a week with his friends on Saturday.  I am back to my weekly spin classes.  We plug along.

I don't know how I will juggle all of this once I have class again for Spring term.  Thank God I only have two more classes before I earn my Marketing Certificate.  I realize it's not a degree or anything, but I'm thinking about doing some kind of small party for my close friends so that we can celebrate the accomplishment none the less.  Something to think about on another day.

I promise I will write more, possibly this weekend?!?  For now, we're off to bed!  Sweet dreams!

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