Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Puppy Class Week One

Hunter's first Puppy Class was last night... Sam's soccer game was cancelled so he was able to join us.  We learned how to train Hunter using positive reinforcement and a "clicker" which makes a clicking noise (duh) and helps him to understand what he is getting his treat for.  In one hour we learned "sit" and "watch me".  Sit is something we have worked on since we brought Hunter home, and Watch Me is used to get a dog's attention when necessary.  For example, if we're walking and I want Hunter to lay down, I would say "watch me" to get his attention and then tell him what to do once I have his attention.  Kind of neat actually.  

I was making dinner after we got home from class and looked over to see how Hunter was doing (he usually sits near the entrance to the kitchen and our entryway playing with his toys or sitting and watching me.  Last night, he looked completely exhausted.  
Mom, Puppy Class was tiring, I'm ready for bedtime! 
On another note, this morning was really fun.  Hunter and I went for our morning walk at 5:45 when Sam left for work.  Unbeknownst to us, Sam locked the door on his way out and we did NOT have keys.  Here I am, in my PJs and flip flops, locked out of the apartment and the office isn't going to open until 8am- the same time I had a meeting at the office.  So what did I do?  I walked to the front gate and waived down the next car to come by and asked to borrow a cell phone so that I could call Sam.  Thank God he answered his phone (since he's on Plastic Surgery and not Ortho) and he was able to be late to work and come home to let us in.  THANKS SAM!  Lesson learned: always bring a set of keys to walk the puppy!

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