Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Counting down to Chile

Just when I was starting to forget what it's like to be abroad, I realized that 2 weeks from now Sam and I will be checking in at LAX as we travel to Chile to visit Sam's younger brother Justin.  Justin has been studying abroad in Santiago since June and Sam's family decided to visit him during  their annual family vacation.   

This trip is much different than our Southeast Asia Adventure because Sam and I aren't responsible for doing any planning... THANK YOU JESUS!  Rich and Sue (Sam's parents) have booked the hotels, the cars, and the airfare.  All I have to do is make sure I pack my bags and catch the flight!  Well, sort of.  Apparently Chile is similar to Indonesia and charges tourists a hefty visa fee for which Sam and I will each need US dollar dollar bills y'all to pay for.  (Please excuse the music industry reference if it is foreign to you.)  The hands-off approach to traveling really makes the whole situation seem surreal, as if we aren't really going to be going on a vacation for which we'll have little to no stress.  

Sam and I will fly into Santiago the day after Rich and Sue, and, immediately upon our arrival, we will rendezvous and travel to Valparaiso with Justin.  Rich grew up in Seal Beach and Huntington Beach and is a huge fan of the ocean.  We couldn't possibly miss out on the opportunity to get some international waves traveling with him!  Also, Justin has spent time in Valparaiso and he said he thought we would love it there- which is good enough for me!  From the coast, Justin is debating whether or not he'll go back to Santiago for class, or accompany the four of us to the wine country.  I am really excited about this portion of the trip because Rich and Sue tell me that their wine country is stunningly beautiful- don't worry I will have my camera to post pictures!  Finally, we will head back to Santiago to do some sight seeing and hopefully meet Justin's girlfriend.  Unfortunately, Sam only gets one week off, which we've stretched into 10 days, so we head home from there and his parents will travel North to the desserts.  

I realize that as much as I am a homebody, I really enjoy traveling: exploring new locations, learning new customs, observing traditional ceremonies.  I suspect I give myself less credit than I should when I claim to dislike being away from home.

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