Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back To School

As I approach my 26th birthday, let's take stock of my life.

  • I am still unemployed. I had no illusions that making a career change to marketing from sales would be easy, but I did not imagine that I'd have so little positive feedback.  Yes, the job market is tough right now.  Yes, I am pursuing full-time employment with tenacity.  But c'mon, I'm human, and the heartbreak is (after 10 weeks) beginning to get through my thick skin.  I'm pleasantly reassured by the realization that yes, I would rather be a productive, working member of society than a stay-at-home doctor's wife.  
  • Sam is out of town the next 4 nights, he gets back on Sunday (my birthday) at 5pm.  Now, I am an independent gal, but when you have no social contact all day and sit in front of the computer applying to jobs it gets a little lonely.
  • I need a haircut, badly, but am too cheap to spend the money on it.
  • I am slightly depressed about this birthday because I feel like I'm not where I hoped to be (10 pounds up from my birthday goal weight, unemployed, haven't replaced my car yet, etc.)
Okay, put away the kleenex.  To combat the listless drifting I seem to find myself a victim of, I:
  • Kicked my workout routine up a notch- hello endorphins!
  • Enrolled in 2 fall quarter marketing classes.  Upon their completion I will be more than halfway done with the coursework for the UCI Extensions Program Marketing Certificate.  Although, there is only one more elective credit needed for the certificate, and I think I might want to take an additional course or two for my own education beyond the certification requirements.
  • Ordered my fall textbooks on Amazon- thanks to Mom for unknowingly buying them when giving me 2 gift cards when I was in Moraga last month.
  • Am looking into Excel workshops to get myself more familiar with the software and to make myself more marketable to potential employers.
  • Booked a flight to visit my family at the end of October and attend my only 49er game of the 2011 season.  Even if I have to change my return flight so I can make it to class on Monday night, I am going to be there for that game!
I am also reminding myself that I have an AMAZING support group of family members and friends.  I say a huge THANK YOU to Dad for continuing to be my biggest cheerleader, always having something positive to say to me through all the frustrations of job searching, and investing in my professional future.  Another big THANK YOU goes to Sam for keeping my spirits up and recognizing and reminding me how hard I am working- something that doesn't come easily to him.  To Amy, Carrie, & Marlena, THANK YOU for answering your phones, listening to me vent my frustrations, taking me to dinner, drinking bottles of wine, and being there for me.  Your efforts are very much appreciated.  

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