Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pre-Match Bad Dreams

I have never had a dream where I am in class naked, or unprepared for an exam, but this weekend I had my first match-day nightmare.

In my dream, I showed up at the auditorium (which is not even where match takes place) and Sam had already sat down with his friends without saving me a spot.  How rude!  So I am forced to go across the auditorium and sit with some random girls from his class who shall remain nameless on this blog.  Not fun.

When it came time for Sam to get up and read his match, he said, "Cox Williams" and I was filled with dread because in my dream this program was located in Ohio.  Now, let me say this, Cox Williams is a completely fictitious name, there is no such program. However, there is a Case Western in Cleveland which Sam did apply to.  So is this my subconscious trying to prepare me for the possibility that Sam will match to my least favorite of all his possible cities?  Also, why the subconscious hatred for Case Western?  I haven't ever been to Cleveland, thus I shouldn't have any negativity!


  1. I have been having major anxiety dreams lately over nothing. I never used to have them. As for Cleveland, at least then you'd be closer to us plane tickets are way cheaper to Cleveland than to California :)

  2. I don't know what it is about Ohio that has me nervous, but I think Sam feels it to! He ranked Chicago above Cleveland, and I hear great, albeit frigid, things about that city so that seems a little less scary and less unknown. You guys, my college roommate in Chicago, and my cousin at GA Tech will be seeing a lot more of me if we end up in Chicago, Cleveland, or Indianapolis!
