He hired a team to cook (in GIANT propane powered pots) lobster, veggies, potatoes, and garlic. It was our own private lobsterfest. They rolled parchment paper out on these long tables and then dumped the food out on the middle of the tables and everyone pretty much sat down and ate with their hands. It was pretty fun- except of course that some of us don't eat lobster so much. Which was a real treat for those of us who DO eat lobster. :-) Sam ate my tail and one of my claws while I stuck to the corn and shrimp. He also was a HUGE help manning the bar with Carina. They were fantastic!
It was good to see Ali and Brock- I loved catching up with them! Mark and Lori were fun too, and I al so glad they all came over around 2:30 so that we could spend some time with just the family before the guests arrived. We broke in the bar and had a couple beers to take the edge off while playing some friendly family ping-pong matches. Ali's boyfriend, Peter, ripped his jeans open at the crotch which was HILARIOUS and he ended up borrowing a pair of Dad's shorts so that he was decent for the party.
Once the party was in full-swing there were SO many people I didn't have as much time to hang out with them. C'est la vie. I hope that we're going to be able to hang out with them soon. I'm sure we'll see Peter and Ali since they only live 2 1/2 hours from us by car and should be able to come down and visit one weekend before Peter graduates in December.
One of my favorite photos of the afternoon was the one of Sam, Carina and I in our bibs (provided by the lobster company) to try to keep our clothes clean. They reminded me of the "I <3 Pasta" bibs Nonna used to have for us at the holidays.
Along with the family, it was wonderful to see so many old friends. I really enjoyed spending time with the Cantys, Geoghegans and Williams- Maria and Pat especially. They are such amazing people and have always treated me like a part of their family. Gosh they are just the best.
Like Carina said last night after everyone had gone home and it was just us five, we are incredibly lucky to have been dealt the hand we were given. We have a great family and great friends.
How wonderful! As someone with no surviving grandparents I love to see celebrations like this !:)