things were going to be okay and that I was headed in the right direction. I thought I might be standing on the precipice of change. I thought I wanted things to change.
In the weeks since I have been less and less sure that I desire a change. There is so much comfort in what we know. I waited patiently and impatiently depending on how my day was going.
Finally, I started convincing myself that the outcome doesn't matter. My life is great, I am lucky and I don't need more than I have.
Today I the equivalent of a rejection letter from a college admissions office. Wow.
I am surprised at how disappointed I am. How personal the rejection is. How much I want to go home and crawl into my bed and just escape to sleep.
Instead, I shoved my face full of white cheddar rice cakes and totally blew my calories for today on FitOrbit. Smooth, Gi. Real smooth. Can you say "emotional eating" with me? This is such a hurdle for me- I self-soothe with food. It's a lose-lose for me. Which is so frustrating! I am upset and feel badly about myself and then I go and screw up my fitness plan which only makes me feel worse. Cue the vicious, depressive cycle.
So what did I do? I messaged Amanda and acknowledged that today I failed at something I hoped to succeed at. And I owned my caloric SNAFU. Yes, I overate today. But am I going to throw in the towel, skip my workout, buy a pint of ice cream on the way home and wallow in my self-pity?
Hell no!
I am getting out of here and hitting the gym to complete my daily workout! And then, I am going to eat a healthy, balanced dinner- I am not going to make myself feel guilty and try to skip dinner. (Yes, I really have done that before, but no, it is rarely successful and usually just means I am going to snack later.) Today is ONE DAY in my week, month, year, life. It's okay that it wasn't perfect, I have another chance tomorrow and life will go on.
Lady, I am SO Happy to read this entry because it really IS your spirit - you don't let anything get you down, and you take life's disappointments as another step on a journey - not a closed door. Onward to better things!!