Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sandy Eggo

Tonight, Sam and I are headed to San Diego with Matt & Emily for the Carrie Underwood concert.  Matt bought tickets several months ago and they are generously taking us along for our first ever overnight trip together.  I am so excited!

Matt booked us rooms in the W hotel, which I have always wanted to stay in, and this is going to be our first vacation not spent sleeping on couches reliving our college glory days since our trip to Tahoe in February.

Let me see:

  • Nice, comfy hotel room
  • Sleeping in
  • Night out with friends

I am so excited!  Pictures to come!


  1. SLEEPING IN! And one of my fave singers - I hope she does "Blown Away"!!!

  2. OMG she ROCKED Blown Away- closed the whole concert down with that one. It was amazing. (I'm also very partial to Two Black Cadillacs)
