One the one hand, he is incredibly spoiled: lots of toys, plenty of food and water, always the center of attention, sleeps in bed, gets to cuddle whenever he wants, etc.
On the other hand, I love accessorizing him for the holidays.
Spoiler alert: I totally want to find him a mini Santa costume for Christmas!
Anyway, Hunter lucked out because I didn't see many masculine costumes and decided to buy him this discounted t-shirt to use as his Halloween costume. Pretty much the week after I did that, PetSmart moved their costumes and there were some really cute ones (the frog and the ladybug were to die for!) but I couldn't justify spending more money.
Next year though, I might have to try to find that ladybug costume because I totally try to keep with the red theme for this little Ruby Cavalier!
So Happy Howl-o-ween Goblins & Ghouls!
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