Last Spring my doctor found evidence that I may be suffering from Hypothyroidism, but, because I had just changed my health insurance, I told her I would follow up with my new primary care provider at Kaiser.
Fast forward to July. I finally got tired of the fatigue, stress, hair-loss, and lethargy. Sam and I sat down and reviewed the female Primary Care Physicians in our area and settled on one for me to see. I couldn't get an appointment until September, but at least we would soon have a second opinion about the Hypothyroidism and find something to alleviate the symptoms I have been suffering from.
Fast forward again to this month, I finally went in to see my new doctor today. Luckily, I really, really like her and felt totally comfortable with her right away. She sat down and reviewed the previous two blood tests with me and she decided that I should probably have one more to confirm the diagnosis.
I actually really liked that Kaiser had the pharmacy and the lab right in the same building as my doctor... I just walked down stairs and took care of everything right then and there. I now will have to wait for the results to see if this is in fact what my issues are from. The bummer is that the medication for hypothyroidism could increase the anxiety I have been feeling, and, if that's the case, I will possibly have to go onto some kind of low-dose anti-anxiety medication.
Honestly, while I don't like the idea of being medicated, I do like the idea of not feeling so overwhelmed all the time. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed and stressed out I feel like I could cry. It can be so much that I want to curl up on the couch rather than do anything... and I really hope that's going to be resolved with these hypothyroid medications! best friend was JUST diagnosed with this last week! What do you do from here??? :(