Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Monday, July 2, 2012

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Ohmigod.  I started seriously tackling my homework over the weekend and I think I may have bitten off a helluvalot more than I can chew.  No joke. 

I read Chapter 1 on Sunday morning, answered the 3 assigned homework questions, and promptly passed out for an hour.  I didn't make it to Chapter 2 because Sam came home from work early and wanted to watch the Euro Cup Finals, then we were cleaning up the kitchen, took Hunter to the dog park, and had Nick & Amy over for dinner.  Oops.  So much for my massively productive Sunday.

I need to get back into the swing of having homework, because this is an 11 week course that's been squeezed into 8 weeks and the reality is I am already at max capacity without this class.  I should have just taken it Pass/No Pass and tried to learn everything I could but taken something easier to finish out my certificate.  No, that wouldn't work for me, I'm too obsessive compulsive. 

The nice part is that we're going to work in pairs and that will mean that I can hopefully get some support along the way.  My partner is a single-mom living in Carmel who is taking on 4 classes this summer... who am I kidding that she'll be able to shoulder her part of the courseload?  :-)  Here's to hoping! 

Anyway, I have a chapter of reading, 7 homework questions, and 2 powerpoint lectures to get through by the end of the week so that I can tackle our Matel project that is due on July 8th.  Seriously, what have I gotten myself into?

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