Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Decisions

This morning I was up at 4:20 for some ungodly reason.  As I was laying in bed and Sam was getting ready for work, he showed me an incredibly unflattering photo of me cuddling with Hunter the morning before.  (OMG, it was horrible!)  He told me that it was kind of sad to see me gain back so much weight when I had been doing so great last summer.  And, in that moment, I thought: 'Time to stop kidding yourself, this isn't getting out of hand; it's gotten out of hand already!'

Sam always says losing weight is about making good decisions, and when you come down to it, he's right.  I am an emotional eater- I celebrate with food and alcohol, and I drown my sorrows in them too.  I eat when I am stressed under the guise of being 'too overloaded to be bothered'.  I tell myself it's okay to have that second doughnut when they come into the office because 'I'm working really hard'.  I pass up the opportunity to go to the gym because 'I need to relax'.  I find excuses to enable myself and make bad decisions.

Today I made a couple of good decisions starting at 5:10 AM when Sam left the house:
  1. I looked down at Hunter and told him it was time to get up because we were going for a walk
  2. Upon heading out on the path, I decided to JOG instead of walk (kudos that I made it the whole 30 minutes without slowing down!)
  3. I didn't snack while sitting at my desk
  4. I tracked every. single. thing. on the weight watchers website (and stayed under my daily points)
And you know, I actually feel pretty good right now.  Like good enough that maybe I can do this again on Thursday.  And, at the risk of getting too far ahead of myself, maybe I can make it habit on Tuesdays & Thursdays.


  1. It's good to hear you be so honest about this because it's something we all struggle with to different degrees - justifying our food habits (good or bad) with exercise, justifying our exercise habits (or lack thereof) with stress, etc. etc. It's a vicious cycle, and the only way to stop it is to take a long, hard look at what you're eating, how much you're moving, and how you feel about both of those things. Keep on tracking your food and get back in the saddle...of the Spin bike, literally. ;)

  2. Thanks Manda... Sam actually asked me if I had been talking to you lately because he was thinking of hijacking my phone and calling you to give me a pep-talk about getting back after my fitness goals.

    It *might* be time to come up to take Sam up on his Christmas gift and come to LA for some workouts.

    Day One: success!
