Just after our run |
Life has been hectic lately to say the very least. Sam has been a wonderful help and does his best to take over caring for Hunter and cleaning up around the apartment. Honestly, I don't think I would be nearly as successful juggling the launch of my new career, passing my classes, and maintaining my sanity if not for Sam.
Things at work are picking up- we are looking forward to launching our new website in the next couple of days, I am working on our social media and preparing a Business Case for funding requests to throw a social media launch ribbon cutting ceremony. This is all extremely rewarding, but it has meant a lot more time devoted to work while I'm at home. Hunter has been quite a trooper, often times curling up in my lap (where he is now) or at my feet while I finish up documents or emails from our "home office" aka guest bedroom.
Unfortunately, he's been taking his lacking interactions out on our furniture. Hunter likes to chew exactly the same spots on my parents old dining room table as our first family dog, Brandy, liked to chew. And he's starting to gnaw on the leather couch's corners and our chairs. Sam attributes this to his boredom and I attribute it to attention seeking.
Catching his breath |
The cure? I decided that at almost 7 months (he will be on May 1st) it's time Hunter started learning how to run with me. Granted, I know he's still a baby and he won't be able to go for long distances or times, but we might as well start getting him used to it now.
Today was day one: As long as Hunter didn't trip me I was going to call it a success. It was a SMASHING success. The little guy LOVED running and was outpacing me almost the whole time. Also, while we were running he was so much less interested in stopping every 15 feet to sniff and smell. I did let him to his business before we started running, so that probably helped, but we really didn't stop once while we were at jogging pace. One time Hunter did dart in front of me as we were passing another dog, but I kind of saw it coming and was prepared to side step and redirect him.
Just before he climbed into my lap |
Best of all, when we got home he was SO much better behaved. Not that Hunter's a bad puppy, but like our trainer says, he gets very frustrated when he doesn't get his way. Example: I moved our laundry basket because he figured out that he could steal underwear out of it. He barked and barked and barked until he figured out how to beat my system. Tonight, he made far fewer attempts to misbehave and seemed to be seeking much less playtime attention. Yes, he wanted to cuddle in my lap but that's completely different than chewing on my shoes or the couch.
End result: I am going to check with the vet that we're not endangering his joints and ask about restrictions to how much vigorous activity is ok at his age, but running thing is likely to become a part of our weekly routine!