Sam had asked me to book our string trio a few weeks ago. I emailed our signed contract and method of payment to the contact person Sam had been working with. The person responded to me, and I assumed that meant they had gotten the attached contract.
No sir. It did not.
For the past two weeks, Sam has been mentioning to me that the payment never came through on his credit card. He had been copied on the email, which I reminded him, and I suggested that he follow up.
Today, Sam heard back from the vendor that they hadn't received our payment information. Which Sam then texted me. Oh no, sir. Think again. I went back into my emails and forwarded the email I had sent containing the contract and payment again copying Sam and sending it to our contact person.
I wrote a slightly snotty, aggressive email about how I "assumed" that the attachment had been received when the contact responded to my original email but would someone please let me know the payment had been received.
I then called Sam and in a rather terse tone, let him know that he'd been copied on the email and should now follow up and confirm with the contact that it had been received. It was one of the few times that I have heard Sam recoil on the phone. I am relatively sure it's the first time I've had a full-blown bridezilla moment because Sam quite literally said, "Okay, I think we're okay," and then got the hell off the phone.
The vendor quickly responded that all was well and he'd missed the attachment.
And it was not my proudest moment, but I am assured that many of us brides lose our sense of sanity at one point of another and it's perfectly normal. For now, I'm going to try to get the crazy locked down and keep trucking on my To Do lists.
You are awesome to keep it all together so well - I am impressed, Bridezilla! JK. But seriously, gettin' it done. :)