Sam's first vacation week starts Saturday, too. So I am really excited that I will be working but not dealing with classes. Justin is coming down to visit us for the first Labor Day in a while (two years, in reality) and he will be in town starting a week from today. Sam's parents, Pete & Margaux will be arriving in Orange County on Friday. Not a bad way to spend a 3-day weekend and Sam's first real time off during his 2nd year of residency.
Another light at the end of the tunnel comes from the upcoming trips home I am looking forward to. On September 8th I fly to NorCal for a whirlwind (approx 24 hour) wedding weekend trip, on October 5th Sam and I fly back up to NorCal for a more respectable length weekend weekend, and he is convincing me to drive up to NorCal for a few days in December when he has a week of vacation. That would be a good opportunity for us to bring Hunter along with us since he does so well on road trips. (Side note: I am so incredibly thankful I don't have a dog that gets carsick!)
Quick Work Update: I signed off on our SEO contract at work today, so hopefully that will start generating us some serious revenue before Christmas. My boss told me today that some attornies want to rent the spare office upstairs, which happens to be between me and my coworker, Mark. Apparently they would prefer the end office (which is the one I am in) and want me to move into the center office. Quick count of times I have moved:
- From downstairs to the big upstairs office (March)
- From the big upstairs office to the small upstairs office (May)
- From the small upstairs office to my new, bigger upstairs office (August)
I do not want to move again. Ugh. HR told me not to worry about it until these guys see the price tag and sign off- apparently we've had people interested in the space but not in paying what the big boss wants to charge.
I don't really have time to worry about moving again, because I am leading a 2 hour LinkedIn Workshop on August 30th and I started making the PowerPoint Presentation today. Oh my God, the time just completely ran away from me! I looked at the clock and it was 3, and then suddenly it was 5:30. I had to get the heck out of there so I could get home to Hunter and my exam, but tomorrow I am going to get right back after it. If I can have the slides done by this weekend I can start practicing the presentation aspect of it and checking my run-time.