Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Brave. I'm looking forward to this life I live.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Life as of Late

I miss blogging... not that I assume anyone is waiting with baited breath for my next post, but I feel a little guilty that I've fallen off the face of the blogosphere.  I do still keep up with reading blogs by my friends and those that I've stumbled across and enjoy reading, but there seems to be a lack of energy to keep up my own.  The goal is to change that!

Although I am busier than I have ever been, I am also incredibly happy.  I love my job.  I know I said that I was going to take my time and find the right fit during my job search, and boy did I hit the jackpot.  My boss is amazing- he cares tremendously for his employees on a personal level, he wants to build his business up and take us to the next level, and he is always open to sincere feedback.  Our management team is phenomenal- I love both our HR Manager and our Tech Manager to pieces, and I have really enjoyed myself during all of our out-of-work social events.  Our new Sales Manager is really great as well, he likes to have a good time, but he is very professional and his number one priority is preserving our company's dignity and the relationships we've built with customers.  And our technicians and office staff are top-notch as well.  I would be happy to have dinner and hang out with any of them!  I feel incredibly lucky to work with these individuals and I am thankful (almost) every day for the opportunity I have to be a part of the success of this business.

I am completely smitten with our puppy, Hunter.  Sam is 100% right when he says that seeing Hunter's face and how overjoyed he is to be around us is the best cure for a bad day.  We are still working our way through puppyhood and I occasionally want to tear my hair out (like this morning when I walked out of my bedroom to find a huge mess from Hunter pulling the fake mulch out of the faux potted palm tree in our living room) but on the whole he is an incredibly well-behaved little guy.  We've graduated from Beginning and Intermediate Obedience Classes and last Saturday we began the 6 week Advanced Training Course.  My goal has always been to have him pass the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test and possibly have him certified as a Therapy Dog.  I had a great experience finding myself and through therapy while I was in college, and I might have considered it as a career had I not been so far down the path of Communications...  I would love to be able to give back to someone in need to give back.

Our home is good.  Sam and I decided to resign our lease and will be staying another 18 months... our longest time living in one place since we moved in together.  And I couldn't be happier about not moving.  Especially with his overnight call starting on June 3rd, I want to be in a place I feel safe and comfortable and where I know the area. 

School is almost over... I am taking my last class toward my Marketing Certificate at UCI this summer.  The course started this week and will finish August 19th.  It's going to be a whole helluvalot of work, and I'm wondering what I got myself into.  I keep reminding myself that I'll have a LOT of time to study while Sam's getting his footing as a second year resident, but this is going to mean reallocating resources from my personal life and professional life toward my academic life- an process that always worries me. 

More to come soon, this time I really mean it!

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