Little did she or I know, he was planning on proposing during their vacation. He thought that she might like to share the news with me in person rather than over the phone or via text message.
While I wasn't completely shocked, I was overwhelmed with happiness. The bride-to-be is one of the most caring, compassionate women I know. I admire her intellect, her poise, and her ability to remain calm and collected in tumultuous situations. When I am feeling ready to explode, I often ask myself, "What would Friend do?"
Obviously this guy isn't too shabby either- I am incredibly touched that he would take into account that she and I would want to celebrate in person. And long before the proposal and this trip I knew he was The One. I knew it when he welcomed all of us crazy girls into his life as if we had always been a part of it. I knew it when I watched him braided her hair for her.
I am so excited to watch them create a life together and I am honored to be a part of the wonderful things to come in their future!